Thursday, December 2, 2010

Victorian Blog #1 : The relationship between Dorian Gray and Sibyl Vane

          The "love" that is shared between the beautiful Dorian Gray and his lovely lady is only shown by a few kisses and some warm embraces, and yet Dorian runs home to Lord Harry and tells him that he has saw the "loveliest thing" that he has ever seen. Dorian loves this seventeen year old with all the strength that he has in his body.He says that he loves the way she can so well play out the particular characters of many of his favorite Shakespearian plays, but wait, it seems that as soon as she no longer has those dearly loved talents his love seems to dissipate with those talents. I think that the fact that Dorian would do such a thing is a look into the future of Dorian's life. Dorian will go through his life, literally, breaking young girls hearts, and will look back into the portrait which was once beautiful, and will see a creature so horrid that it looked as if the devil had rejected him from hell.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, don't cuss. On the other hand, I agree. All these heartless actions that he is committing now, with the help of Lord Henry, will all come back to him. The way he treats others is the way that he will one day be treated. He seems to think that beauty will save his life but I'm sure that it will be the death of him.
